Wellness Choices for You and Your Pets
Achey • frozen • heavy • jarred • low in energy • misaligned • numb • out of balance • pins and needles/tingling • restricted • sore muscles • spasms • stiff • tense • tight • Can you add to this list?
Release your sore, stiff and restricted body?
De-frag that cluttered, fogged up head-space for clarity, and make space for infinite possibilities, or let your body choose the ACCESS Body Processes it desires??
Activate your body to produce its own
Accelerate your healing and pain relief?
Why not combine treatments to speed up recovery, maintain or enhance wellbeing?
Ask about our flexible appointment times tailored to suit busy lifestyles
Originally from Aberdeen, North East Scotland, I arrived in Christchurch, NZ in 2009.
I have been based in Nelson/Tasman/Marlborough since 2011.
Seona Christie
Having had long-term pain issues with my back, I was introduced to ConTact C.A.R.E in 2012 by a Student Practitioner friend. I was happy to try anything if it meant a more permanent/longer-term solution to relieve the recurring back pain. I was so impressed with the results that I felt inspired to help others just as effectively and painlessly.
I embraced ACCESS Consciousness in 2017, and trained in 'Running the Bars' in 2018. A brilliant way to still the jibber-jabber of a busy mind. I also trained in running 'Body Processes' for you in July 2022.
Another friend was responsible for introducing Bioptron Light Therapy into my life. I was blown away by the visible improvement in scar reductions on a horse that had managed to 'de-sleeve' it's leg on a wire fence. Amazing results! And so quickly too!
I started my NRF2 Anti-oxidant Activation journey 3 months ahead of my near fatal motorbike accident on 01/2020. I believe that the product accelerated my recovery from a broken pelvis and ruptured wrist tendons, along with an effortless and very speedy recovery from a 7 hour mastectomy with reconstructive surgery in 04/2021.